Inflection Point Moments, The Blog

7 Lessons Learned from a Hurried Facebook Post

Have you ever been in a hurry to accomplish something and totally missed the goal because you were too hurried in the process? That’s what happened to me when I hurriedly put a Facebook request out to a group I participate in.

5 Tips for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever felt like you didn’t have what it takes to actually accomplish the goals you are responsible to reach? Have you had the feeling that you’re not what others believe you are; that they’re going to find out and you’d be embarrassed…or worse yet, kicked to the curb?

4 Keys to Bring Order to Your Life

This week we’re reposting a podcast interview with Liana George, the owner of By George Organizing Solutions. She helps her clients bring order, peace and balance to their homes and lives.

Start the Year with Intention

As we move from 2016 to 2017, many people make New Year’s resolutions. They take stock of where they’ve been and what they’ve accomplished.

Peaceful Relationships in this Holiday Season

With the holiday season in full swing, conflicts within families are often heightened. We wish you holiday gatherings where conflict isn’t a dirty word, but an invitation to grow into more of who God created each person to become.

Faith, Work & Technology: A Conference Reflection

Have you ever experienced that much of what you learn from a conference comes from outside the time spent AT the conference? That’s definitely been my experience of the Faith and Work Conference.

Create Intentional Space for What Matters Most

What would it mean to get focused on the things that bring you the most joy? How would it feel to know the work you were doing on a daily basis was making a difference while being emotionally and financially rewarding?

Gratitude, Abundance, and Work

What happens when we view our work as a good thing from God? When you count your blessings, do you include your work?

Finding the Purpose in the Pause

What happens when your neatly planned life is turned upside down by unexpected events? Sometimes things happen we can’t plan for and our only choice is to respond in the best way possible.

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