Inflection Point Moments, The Blog
Busy vs. Intentional Action
I did it to myself. After a busy weekend taking care of family responsibilities and having a little R&R, I opened my calendar Monday morning. As I reviewed my day and my week, I looked at a meeting happening Monday evening. It wasn’t my meeting, but I provide some leadership development for this group. I knew there was some homework that wasn’t done to support an important discussion at the meeting, so I set aside my business to do list to work on the assignment.
Words Matter! Speak with Authority
“Words matter. Choose them wisely.” This advice was shared with me over and over by the pastor I worked with several years ago. He impressed upon me the importance of choosing my words carefully, as the meaning they conveyed shaped others response to me and the vision we were working toward.
Can You Hear Me Now?
During a recent webinar presentation, Own Your Voice, Change the World, someone posed a thought-provoking question. They asked how to make your voice heard in a male-dominated organization.
When In Rome…
We’ve all heard the saying, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” As I ponder the leadership experiences and conversations I’ve had over the past several weeks, I believe there is a time and a place for this, but we also need to recognize there are other things at play. As leaders, we need to be deeply aware of our context and also aware of the time and place to challenge the status quo, potentially ending current practices and starting something new.
The Masterpiece Work Process
The last few weeks have been pretty crazy. Last Thursday, I did a webinar for WELD (Women for Economic and Leadership Development) on owning your voice so you can make a bigger impact. Developing that took much more time than I’d expected! The message was well-received. I can’t wait to share it with more people.
Are You Consistent?
A few days ago I had this interchange on Facebook Messenger with an old friend who’d recently joined Facebook:
Friend: “Hi Rhonda. Do you ever look at other ways of making money?”
Me: That is a wide-open question. What are you thinking? And at this point, I’m pretty happy where I am. I’m doing what I feel God has created and called me to do. But I’m curious.
Where Do You Need to Stand Out?
There are times when it becomes obvious you must speak. The message comes from many different directions and it becomes blatantly obvious that it’s time. I’ve had that experience in several different areas recently. It’s time to share the message I’ve been given. I know I’m not alone.
Your Voice Counts!
Last week I wrote about Blending In vs. Standing Out. That email and Facebook post got more response than anything I’ve ever written. Clearly it struck a chord with many people. I heard from old high school friends, community members, church friends, and professional friends. To all who responded in any way, Thank You!
Blending In vs Standing Out
A few weeks ago, I was working in my studio and spied a hawk as it swooped down and perched on the swing set in our back yard. Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to snap this photo before he flew away.