Is your audience ready to uncover their leadership strengths and lean into them for more energy and motivation?
My Signature Offering:
ROE (Return on Energy):
Your Secret Ingredient for Greater ROI
Doing work that lights you up is easier than work that feels hard, unnatural, or clunky. Knowing what we excel at and what we are weaker in is not a failure -- that kind of honesty can be the make-or-break information that we use to find our best work as leaders.
As business owners, we understand the return on a tangible investment. Investments in our soft skills—communication, emotional intelligence, energy investment—are just as valuable to the success and profitability of your company.
ROE (Return on Energy) is the secret ingredient in accomplishing your most important work. Reaching your professional goals while managing your personal life is a juggling act -- weighing what is needed in the moment and balancing the pull of work, family, and self.
This workshop will address the juggling act to accomplish your goals by managing your energy to attain more career impact and life fulfillment. It is fun, engaging, and can be catered to the needs of your organization.
Depending on the length of Rhonda’s engagement, deliverables may include up to all of the following. You will:
- Identify your personal energizers and drains
- Learn strategies to address tasks that drain you
- Gain a deeper understanding of your own ROE to increase your ROI
- Understand how your ROE builds culture and boosts profitability
- Identify a specific step you can take in the next 72 hours to increase your ROE
(Options: breakout session, half-day workshop, or full-day workshop)
Here’s what the audience says
"Helped me discover how I can contribute to who I am in my personal and professional life..."
"Rhonda will stretch you in the areas you need most - some without you even realizing it!"
"Rhonda's warmth and integrity shines through..."
"...her sense of humor is refreshing..."
"...generated an engaging discussion..."
"...provided focus and a targeted direction... It has been years since I've been so engaged."
When you lean into your ROE, you focus your energy on what matters most. Higher profitability comes from investing your team’s assets wisely and creating a supportive culture.
Rhonda’s Speaking Purpose:
Rhonda’s Speaking Purpose:
I guide business owners, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders to lean into their strengths and energy to increase their ROI, both professionally and personally. Why? This focused energy opens the space for greater impact in your organization because you are doing your best work.
I spent my corporate career in Consumer Affairs and Marketing, working for Fortune 500 companies, including Borden Foods, International Paper, and Abbott Labs. My own transformation to an ROE focus meant moving from marketing products to marketing people. I transitioned from product brands into coaching leaders on developing their personal brand for marketplace impact through executive coaching.
Along with my B.S. from Ohio State University, I hold a certification in Executive Coaching from the University of Texas at Dallas. I am an active member of the National Association of Women Business Owners. I am certified as an ReaLife Process Coach® and ©iEnneagram Motions of the Soul Professional.
Let’s work together and serve your audience through resources to help them grow their professional and personal ROI by empowering them with the knowledge of what their business is costing them.

Rhonda's Past Audiences
- AICPA EDGE Keynote
- Ohio Society of CPAs Virtual Accounting Show
- Big Walnut Chamber of Commerce
- Home Depot Women in Leadership
- WELD Tell It Like It Is Webinar series
- Huntington Bank
- Delaware City Schools Food Service
- International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), Columbus Chapter
- Jewish Family Services, Columbus
- Scioto Ridge Job Networking Groups
(now Ability Professional Network) - Ohio Bankers League
- NAWBO Columbus Candid Conversations and Good to Great