Inflection Point Moments, The Blog

Rhythms of Productivity

Over the past month, I’ve had some in-depth conversations related to productivity. I’ve also had some productivity experiences in my life that caused me upheaval and angst.

Busy vs. Intentional Action

I did it to myself. After a busy weekend taking care of family responsibilities and having a little R&R, I opened my calendar Monday morning. As I reviewed my day and my week, I looked at a meeting happening Monday evening. It wasn’t my meeting, but I provide some leadership development for this group. I knew there was some homework that wasn’t done to support an important discussion at the meeting, so I set aside my business to do list to work on the assignment.

The Reward of Accomplishing a Goal

The end of the year is upon us. For some, the holiday decorations are looking stale – you may have even taken them down at this point.

Many take stock of the year at this time. 2017 has been a year of preparation for me. I’ve been looking back, as well as looking forward. I didn’t accomplish some of the things that I wanted to in 2017, but I have certainly built a foundation for 2018 to be a great year.

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