Podcast 31: 5 Tips for Overcoming Your Imposter Syndrome

podcast 31

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Join us this week as we explore Imposter Syndrome. What is it? How do I know I’m dealing with it? How do I overcome it?

What is Imposter Syndrome?

  • Imposter Syndrome is a general feeling that we’re going to be found out, we don’t belong, what others see in us we are not capable of.
  • Amy Cuddy, author of Presence, defines imposter syndrome as “That general feeling that we don’t belong—that we’ve fooled people into thinking we’re more competent and talented than we actually are. … It’s not simple stage fright or performance anxiety; rather, it’s the deep and sometimes paralyzing believe that we have been given something we didn’t earn and don’t deserve and that at some point we’ll be exposed.

Up to 70 percent of successful people struggle with Imposter Syndrome.

How do we know if we’re dealing with Imposter Syndrome?

Thought processes that may indicate that you are suffering from Imposter Syndrome:

  • Fear of failure.
  • Feeling like a fake.
  • Believing we just got lucky.
  • Discounting success

Symptoms of Imposter Syndrome:

  • Over thinking or second guessing.
  • Fixating on how we think others are judging us.
  • Being scattered, feeling underprepared.

What causes Imposter Syndrome?

  • The enemy meddling in our mind. Satan will magnify any small amount of doubt.
  • Comparing ourselves to others.
    • Comparing our inside to others outside, our weaknesses to others strengths.
    • We all have our own masterpiece work to do.
  • Trying to do our masterpiece work in our own strength, rather than relying on God.

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” C.S. Lewis

What can we do to overcome the effects of Imposter Syndrome?

  1. Be aware of your triggers and feelings.
  2. Practice positive self-talk.
  3. Talk about your feelings with a safe person.
  4. Consider the context.
  5. Reframe failure as a learning opportunity.

Imposter Syndrome causes unnecessary stress. It prevents us from reaching our potential. It holds us back from accomplishing our goals. Let’s stop believing those lies about ourselves and truly believe we are capable of the masterpiece work that God created for us.


Presence, by Amy Cuddy




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