Inflection Point Moments, The Blog

Podcast 24: Gratitude…Abundance…and Work

What happens when we view our work as a good thing from God? When […]

Gratitude, Abundance, and Work

What happens when we view our work as a good thing from God? When you count your blessings, do you include your work?

Finding the Purpose in the Pause

What happens when your neatly planned life is turned upside down by unexpected events? Sometimes things happen we can’t plan for and our only choice is to respond in the best way possible.

Podcast 23: Finding the Purpose in the Pause

What happens when your neatly planned life is turned upside down by unexpected events? […]

Podcast 22: Being God’s Masterpiece

Masterpiece Work Defined “The Bible does not say you are God’s appliance; it says […]

4 Steps to Masterpiece Work

Whether the CEO, the accountant, the mechanic, the pastor or the janitor – or any other job title, for that matter – in our masterpiece work, we have the privilege of connecting the world to God’s presence by being who He created us, living out our true identity.

Beware! The Shadow Side of Leadership

Leadership is a crucible of self-awareness. As a leader, you’re out front, visible; that’s a key part of being a leader. If others can’t see you, they can’t possibly follow you. That visibility can be a benefit and a curse.

Margin: The Surprise Ingredient in Productivity

We are not machines!  We are human beings and we cannot keep a pace of perpetual motion if we expect to make our best contribution to our work, our family, our community.

Podcast 21: Shadow Side of Leadership

Leadership is a crucible of self-awareness.  As a leader, you’re out front, visible; that’s […]

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