Inflection Point Moments, The Blog
Visionaries and Integrators™ and the Balance That Sends Your Business Soaring
Small business owners and leaders don’t have the bandwidth to address all the demands […]
The Day I Hit The Wall
Bandwidth: In computing, the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time.
The first time I saw the red flags was during a conversation with a vendor, who is also a friend. We were discussing the next steps of an integration he was doing on my website. The next step was work I needed to do so he could move forward.
What’s Your Destination?
I heard this little story on Dan Miller’s 48 Days podcast on July 4. I’ve been carrying it around in my head, wanting to share it with you ever since. It’s a powerful lesson, so let’s explore it.
Busy vs. Intentional Action
I did it to myself. After a busy weekend taking care of family responsibilities and having a little R&R, I opened my calendar Monday morning. As I reviewed my day and my week, I looked at a meeting happening Monday evening. It wasn’t my meeting, but I provide some leadership development for this group. I knew there was some homework that wasn’t done to support an important discussion at the meeting, so I set aside my business to do list to work on the assignment.