Last week I wrote about Blending In vs. Standing Out. That email and Facebook post got more response than anything I’ve ever written. Clearly it struck a chord with many people. I heard from old high school friends, community members, church friends, and professional friends. To all who responded in any way, Thank You!
Here’s what I learned from sharing my experience….and the seemingly simple message that had been rolling around in my head for more than two weeks.
Your Voice Counts!
There is a message that you need to share that will resonate with others. Whether it’s about the work people do or how to go live on Facebook or teaching pre-calculus, you have something to share with the world. That something is important. We need you to contribute that work to the world. Without it, someone or something is less than they could be.
Each of us is a leader in some area. Even if the only person you’re leading today is yourself, you are a leader. As leaders, our role is to constantly hold up those on our team, honoring the important work they do to make our mutual goals possible. As you go about this week, I encourage you to be open to the message you need to share. If you see an opportunity or a story that speaks to your message, use it as motivation to put that message out there. Someone needs to hear it!
What message do you need to share?