Inflection Point Moments, The Blog
Podcast 4: Christina Horning- A Leadership Journey of Authenticity
Join Rhonda and Christina “Tini” Horning as they explore the journey into authentic leadership. From her beginnings as a teacher to her role as an intern, a staff member, and now a leader for Campus Crusade, Tini has grown from reluctant to confident in her leadership journey.
Podcast 3: Every Good Endeavor Book Review
Every Good Endeavor, Connecting Your Work to God’s Work is a great read. This book thoroughly addresses the concept of work, a history of how the church has looked at work, as well as how the Bible and Jesus himself taught about work. It gives us a real perspective of work both from a historical perspective and currently. Timothy Keller and his co-author tell it like it is. There is no sugar coating here.
Podcast 2: 5 Qualities of a Bold & Courageous Leader
Leadership definitions abound. This podcast explores the definition of a Bold & Courageous Leader.
Podcast 1: Andee Marks/Vocation
Rhonda Peterson interviews Andee Marks about vocation. What does God want for us and how can we let him lead us there?
Podcast 0: Introduction
Rhonda Peterson, your Bold & Courageous Leader Coach, introduces a new way to approach living, loving, and receiving and giving God’s grace. Learn the why’s, how’s, and what to look forward to in future Bold & Courageous Leader podcasts.
Seedlings vs. Weeds: Who Decides?
Early this summer, my daughter decided she would help out in the garden by weeding. It was much needed – the weeds were taking over the area where we’d planted a pumpkin seedling and several kinds of flowers.
Defining & Developing Your Team
As a leader, knowing where you are going and sharing this with your team is critical to your success. This process provides focus, sets priorities, and saves time and energy as you measure all the actions of the organization against the vision you share.
Owning Your Strength
Recently I had the privilege of spending the morning with a group amazing young leaders at WAM House. These young people spend a year intentionally honing their leadership skills as they step into the marketplace.
Knowing Your Own Value, 3 Lessons in Authenticity
This month, we are focusing on lessons from my favorite children’s books. Today’s book is one I saw for the first time when our oldest granddaughter was born.