Inflection Point Moments, The Blog

The Fallacy of “I Can Sleep When I’m Dead”

Early in our son’s career, he looked up to a business owner who regularly shared his mantra, “I can sleep when I’m dead.” This man was hard driving and focused. He drove a fast car and took exciting trips. Our son watched him and wanted the fast car and exciting trips. He (unfortunately) picked up the attitude of “I can sleep when I’m dead.”

To Everything There is a Season

As a farm girl from Northwest Ohio, I’m deeply attuned to the seasons of planting and harvest. I understand the time needed for a plant to develop the fruit of the harvest.

The Rx To Get Your Creative Mojo Back

In a former life, my job was creating and testing recipes in the Borden Test Kitchen. I got paid to play with food! It was an awesome job in many ways!

One day, I was testing recipe variations for the Magic Cookie Bar recipe made with Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk. I had seven variations to test that day and wanted to complete them all.

The Day I Hit The Wall

Bandwidth: In computing, the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. 

The first time I saw the red flags was during a conversation with a vendor, who is also a friend. We were discussing the next steps of an integration he was doing on my website. The next step was work I needed to do so he could move forward. 

Rhythms of Productivity

Over the past month, I’ve had some in-depth conversations related to productivity. I’ve also had some productivity experiences in my life that caused me upheaval and angst.

What’s Your Destination?

I heard this little story on Dan Miller’s 48 Days podcast on July 4. I’ve been carrying it around in my head, wanting to share it with you ever since. It’s a powerful lesson, so let’s explore it.

What’s Your Growing Edge?

Have you ever noticed that the things that trip you up most often are blind spots, walls you’ve put up to protect yourself or mistakes and failures of the past you’re trying to avoid?

The Great Oak Tree….A Parable

There once was a great oak tree that stood tall and mighty. It was strong and proud. It commanded attention as it shaded the landscape around it, while holding birds’ nests and squirrels in its branches. Anyone looking at it could see how majestic it was.

Choosing Wisely: Who’s In Your Tribe?

Recently, a friend told the story of an experience with a co-worker. Reflecting on a client meeting where both were present, my friend was told she needn’t attend any more client meetings, because she wasn’t speaking up and sharing ideas to get more sales from the client. The co-worker suggested my friend should go back to their former role, rather than provide the strategic input of their current job.

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