Inflection Point Moments, The Blog
Clarity! Focus! Momentum! Impact!
Recently, a mastermind member said: “I know I need to do this. I tell others to do it all the time. But I didn’t do it for myself!”
Unwrapping the Gift: Part 2
You are a genius! Yes……YOU! It might not feel like it right this moment, but you are a genius at something.
The question is, are you using your genius?
Discover Your Zone of Genius
Recently I helped my niece plan the menus for a weekend celebration of her husband’s graduation from Veterinary School. We had many blind spots as we started planning. We didn’t know what we didn’t know.
Looking for Clarity; Hitting a Wall
“It was Mrs. Peacock with the Candlestick in the Conservatory.” Have you ever played Clue? The goal is being first to identify the victim of foul play, by deducing the answer from clues you discover as the game progresses.
Our Upper Limit Problem (ULP) is providing us with clues, also. They’re right in front of us. We just have to look for them. If we know what we’re looking for, we can track our Upper Limit Problem back to the source.
Upper Limit Problems and Limiting Beliefs and Fears! Oh My!
In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and her companions set off to see the wizard on the yellow brick road. As they enter the scary forest, they chant the well-known phrase, “Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” As I considered the challenge of upper limit problems, limiting beliefs, and fears, I was hearing their chant in my head.
What Zone Are You In?
It was early 1981. I’d graduated from college June 1980, after a disastrous student teaching experience. I got married in October of that year and was looking for my first “real” job. The disastrous student teaching experience really sunk my confidence; I’d wanted to teach ever since my freshman year of high school. I didn’t know where to look. On top of that, our country was in a recession, so jobs weren’t plentiful.