Inflection Point Moments, The Blog
What’s Your #1 Priority?
What keeps you on the buried in busyness? Do you spend your days on the busyness treadmill?
The Big Reveal!
It’s been a wild few weeks at We’ve been in a big transition and I’m excited to show it to you. got a major makeover that’s been in the works for months and it finally happened! We went live on September 30 and have been working out the bugs and connecting all the final links over the past few weeks.
Do You Know Your Destination?
Last week I saw a post in one of the groups I follow on Facebook. It peeked my curiosity, so I started reading.
The language used in the post really pushed my buttons. It’s language that is used often in the media today…. it’s also language that labels and separates people rather than drawing us together. In a visceral response to a simple post, I made a big decision.
Pull Away to Regain Focus
One of the most surprising things we learned at the inaugural Activate Your Masterpiece™ Workshop was how important the location was. Northstar wasn’t my first choice. I’d tried to schedule the workshop closer into the city, but things didn’t work out. What I didn’t know at the time was how positive that change would be.
Alignment Leads to Impact
Impact is the desired result for high achievers. As leaders, we want to make things happen, influence the outcome and make a difference. We are known for making things happen. As busy high achievers, we most certainly get things done, but are they the right things? Are we busy, but often not accomplishing the things that only we can do?
Looking for Satisfaction and Significance?
There is no one activity in our lives that takes more time than our work life. That fact tells us that doing work that matters to us, that matches our strengths and our “Why”, will give us greater life satisfaction.
Messy Middle Brushstrokes Make Your Masterpiece
When I discover something new I want to do or accomplish, I want to get there right now. I want to move from the total novice to a jedi master in the blink of an eye. But that’s not reality. There is going to be a time of struggle…..and even failure between starting and accomplishing a goal.
Freedom of Authencity
When we recognize the gifts we bring and the strengths we possess, we are free to step off the treadmill of other’s demands of us. We are free to say no to what doesn’t relate to our Masterpiece Work and yes to those things that do. We find the courage to be fully who we are and do the Masterpiece Work God created for us long ago. That work that makes our heart sing and allows us to contribute our best to the world.
What Stories Are You Telling Yourself?
Whether we realize it or not, we all have stories we tell ourselves about who we are and why our life happens as it does. It’s a subconscious story we tell ourselves to protect ourselves from disappointment and failure. This fear of failure can hamper us from doing the work we’re capable of doing. We play small to avoid the risk of failing or falling short.