Inflection Point Moments, The Blog
What If?
What if you changed one thing? What would happen if you changed your belief that you need clarity before you act? What if instead you said, “I’m going to try action before clarity.”
Choosing Means Responsibility
“Most of the things that stop us aren’t things we can’t do, but things we refuse to learn.” –James Woosley
Over the past few weeks we’ve talked about choice. Choice in where we focus. Choice in the messages and environments in which we engage. Choice in the words we choose and use. These all relate to getting unstuck. At the end of the day, stuck is a choice. It may be an unconscious choice, but it is a choice.
Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear
If you drive a car, you see this message on a daily basis. When checking the passenger side mirror, you see this warning. It’s an important warning when you need to merge into traffic or change lanes.
Words Mean Things
“Words mean things.” This quote from my pastor/supervisor/partner in starting the equipping ministry in our church often rings in my ears.
What’s Your Banana?
Have you heard about this trick, used by hunters to catch small monkeys? A banana is placed in a jar with a small opening. The monkey reaches into the jar, grabs the banana, and is caught by the hunters, because the monkey refuses to let go of the banana.
Impossible Expectations
Over the past two weeks, I experienced some new things. I attended training to learn about the Enneagram assessment and the Activate Your Masterpiece Mastermind kicked off. Needless to say, it’s been a busy time with lots of new learning.