Inflection Point Moments, The Blog
Make 2018 Your Year of Action
Happy 2018! The holiday season was joyous this year, as always. Along with celebrating, I added in surgery to remove my thyroid on December 15. You know, you have to fit medical things in before you hit the new deductible. I made sure I had emails written ahead of time for the last few weeks of the year, expecting to be back at it by January 1.
The Reward of Accomplishing a Goal
The end of the year is upon us. For some, the holiday decorations are looking stale – you may have even taken them down at this point.
Many take stock of the year at this time. 2017 has been a year of preparation for me. I’ve been looking back, as well as looking forward. I didn’t accomplish some of the things that I wanted to in 2017, but I have certainly built a foundation for 2018 to be a great year.
What Gives Your Life Meaning?
Happy Holidays! When you read this post, Christmas will be upon us. Hanukkah will be wrapping up. We are in the final week of preparation for one of the biggest celebrations of the Christian calendar. Not only are we reflecting on the meaning of God’s greatest gift to us, but at the end of the year, many reflect on what this year has been and where we are going next year. Meaning and purpose are front and center at this time of year.
Positive Relationships: Foundational for a Flourishing Life
Yesterday I attended a holiday party hosted by a new friend of mine. I’ve known her for less than a year and took a chance to attend her party. I wasn’t sure if I would know anyone. To be honest, I was hesitant to go. For those of you who know me, that may be hard to believe. I am an extreme extrovert. I can talk to pretty much anyone. But those first few minutes in a new environment when I am “flying blind” make me incredibly anxious.
Engagement: Employing Your Strengths
What does it look like for you to be so engaged in what you’re doing that you don’t notice time passing or the world around you?
Flourishing and Emotions: What’s the Connection?
As a high-achiever, work takes the largest segment of our waking hours. Other than sleep, there is no one activity in our lives that takes more than our work life. That fact tells us that doing work that matters to us, that matches our strengths and our “Why”, will give us greater life satisfaction.
Are You Hiding in Plain Sight?
As I sat down to write this message, I decided my original plan was out the window. I was going to write about gratitude…. but everyone else is doing that! I don’t want to be like everyone else! Instead, I’m writing a story about an experience for which I’m grateful. In sharing it, I’ve discovered a lesson that applies to us!
Sneak Peak for 2018!
As we move into the holiday season, I want to give you a Sneak Peek at what’s coming for early 2018. I’m sure you’re planning the work you’ll be doing in the new year, and I’m no different. I’m excited for what is coming, as this has been my dream for quite some time.
You Can’t Read the Label from Inside the Bottle
Have you ever been in a dilemma and you couldn’t see the path forward? You were searching for clarity and it just wasn’t coming…. You had to make a decision without all the facts…. You had to set a boundary, but struggled to find the best solution for all involved. As a leader, the buck stops with you. Finding the path that provides the best solution can be challenging.