Inflection Point Moments, The Blog
3 Steps to Think Bigger
This week, Seth Godin posted: “Are you an imposter? The thing is, when we do big work, we all are. And we can choose to leave it behind.” He linked to this blog post where he states that we are all imposters!
WHY Points the Way
Last weekend we were on Sanibel Island celebrating a wedding of our son’s friend. It was a fantastic reunion weekend with old friends. One night we were in a restaurant right around sunset and the discussion turned to where we should look to watch it. Everyone was pointing in a different direction, as we were all turned around! We weren’t sure where to look. Thank goodness for the compass on my cell phone! It helped us find our bearings and know where to look to find the sunset we wanted to experience.
Clarity! Focus! Momentum! Impact!
Recently, a mastermind member said: “I know I need to do this. I tell others to do it all the time. But I didn’t do it for myself!”
Unwrapping the Gift: Part 2
You are a genius! Yes……YOU! It might not feel like it right this moment, but you are a genius at something.
The question is, are you using your genius?
Unwrapping the Gift: Part 1
It can seem like an endless journey. Sometimes you feel the search isn’t worth it and you might as well accept that this is all there is. But there is this spark that propels you forward, that whispers to you that there is more to the story than just what we see on the surface.
Vision: Critical to Masterpiece Work™
Just as clear vision is important to navigating our physical surroundings, clarity of vision is critical in stepping into our Masterpiece Work. Without a vision of what you want your life to be, you can end up in places and situations far afield from your original intention. This is why clarity of vision is important.
7 Benefits of Community
Bringing your best to your work, your life, and your family is a journey. It requires constant openness to the world around you. In today’s tech-driven, information-saturated workplace, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all that’s coming at you and expected of you.
3 Clues That It’s Time to Move On
It was becoming more and more apparent. Things were just not as smooth and easy and they’d once been. One by one, others were leaving the group I’d leaned on. And I was finding a new group much more productive, stimulating, and aligned with who I am and my Masterpiece Work.
The Importance of Deciding
“You don’t need more time in your day. You need to decide.”
Seth Godin
If you’re like me, there are things in your life you’d like to accomplish, but you never seem to get to them.